The author of this blog assumes zero liability for the content contained on this website. The thoughts, discourse, or opinions do not necessarily represent the opinion of the author, his affiliates, or sponsors. To be clear this whole thing is a silly attempt at humor (with dashes of perceived truth).

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Some things never change

In true military fashion tomorrow is an important day for my Battalion - Trash Clean-up day! Everyone is really amped up and ready to tackle this glorious event. It is one of those things that no one cares about and has to do at the same time. On hand I don't care one bit about the trash situation - knowing full well that we didn't litter the streets. The other hand tells us that it is pretty nasty, unsanitary and all those other things and thus a worthwhile use of time. However, when you get down to the execution phase - who wants to walk around in the heat picking up after other people? I guess it points to my appreciation for the sanitation community of the United States - don't take that as an endorsement for the Tony Soprano's of the world. It is just baffling to think about the true lack of infrastructure of this country called Iraq. Years maybe even a two decades worth of war has taken a toll on the citizens of this country. Every lot is a landfill or a burn pit. I think the only people who are concerned about the trash are the American forces. It gets to the point where I can't help but think, "If they don't care, why should I." Thoughts such as those, lead to the problem b/c then we start to litter and it doesn't help. Naturally, American generated trash is inherently different than the trash the Iraqi's generate. The number one culprit is water bottles. Iraqi's do have a central water system that taps off the Euphrates River. Americana's drink out of one liter bottles of water. Iraqi water is worse than the egg water of Slidell. I digress.

It remains all quiet on the Fallujah front and we're doing everything we can to keep it that way. My Padres looked good last night. I am very excited about the game today. Too bad AFN (military satellite television) isn't televising the game. So what's on in its place? Twins vs. Marlins - exiting match up? I think not. 2 out of 3 - you heard it here first. Finally, for those of you who might be wondering about my Billboard progress ... it is alive and ticking. Estimate for completion is about two years. Anyone crazy enough to go atop a five story building and put up the poster? Dennis, this might be up your boulevard. Let me know.


Rex said...

so, do you go out in town and pick up Iraqi trash? If so, start a Iraqi Boy Scout program. Or a "Adopt a Street" program. Winners get Ice Cream.

Rex said...

Padres lose 4-2.

preying4apar said...

What? Iraqis don't recycle? They aren't Kyoto signees? Al Goredom, America's environmental "goru", is going to tell the UN on them, unless of course they start buying "carbon credits" from Goredom's company. A multitude of sins can be forgiven when you combine entrepreneural profit with imaginary results.

One of my favorite places

One of my favorite places
A new appreciation for Plumbing