The author of this blog assumes zero liability for the content contained on this website. The thoughts, discourse, or opinions do not necessarily represent the opinion of the author, his affiliates, or sponsors. To be clear this whole thing is a silly attempt at humor (with dashes of perceived truth).

Sunday, June 17, 2007

I'm just a POG

For the most part I’ve enjoyed my stint with the Infantry Marines, or Grunts as they affectionately are termed. However, that is not to say that I don’t have my moments where I just want to go SWO and blow my lid. Believe it or not I have learned to become fairly docile or even neutral the majority of time. I think this Blog proves my rather nonsensical and light hearted commentary. In fact, several people routinely comment on my usual jovial disposition. I am usually the first to crack off some wise ass comment. At any rate, today I find myself fairly irate. The Grunts have a complex about being superior, so much so that they even make pilots seem normal. That is a pretty big statement. Grunts call everyone else POGs (people other than grunts) or Fobbits (people who don’t leave the “wire”). The Marine culture is such that everyone is designed to support the Infantry.

The Infantry is generally spoiled and routinely allowed to sit back and say not my problem and make the support do everything for them. For the record, yes, I am the part of the support. Being the support is annoying. I would much rather be the man; hence, why being a SWO is a good thing. A LT on a ship runs the joint. A POG 0-3 in an Infantry Battalion might as well take out the trash. As you can imagine this is just generally annoying. It gets to the point where if you stand up to a Grunt and tell them “tough break – it is your problem, fix it” they routinely cry like little kids. Today was just such an occasion. I actually got told by some knucklehead that b/c I was a POG – I don’t know what it is like to put my life on the line and that I needed to do more for him. Are you kidding me? Give me a break. Talk about 7th grade drama

Fast forward to actual issue at hand … it was too difficult for this individual to, no kidding, hit the play button on a public address system. I know that I am my fathers son and prone to exaggeration; however, I can assure you that this was really the discourse of events. I didn’t hit play and don’t ever intend on doing so.

With that said, on to more important matters. Happy Father’s Day! And in my best Bon Jovi yelp - Have a Nice Day! Colleen sent that song to me on my IPod … its rather catchy.


Debby said...

Hey there, Geoff! I am now among the faithful readers of your blog. Just want you to know that you have a lot of people thinking about you and praying for your safety. Believe me, there are a lot of people who do, indeed, support the mission!

Try to keep from making the Grunts feel TOO inferior, okay? They can't help themselves very well, or they wouldn't need support, right? Kinda like saggy boobs.....

Holden sends his regards and told me to tell you that you will never be able to "pin" him again. He's been lifting weights, so his testosterone-laden comment may be justified. I told him to keep in mind, though, that youth and inexperience is no match for age and treachery. In case the "age" comment doesn't stike home for you yet, maybe the fact that Holden just got his driver's permit might cause you to reflect on the passage of time.

Since the birth of Baby Kenneth, my title has been changed to Great Aunt Debby. I prefer to add to it, however, and be known now as "THE Great Aunt Debby." Bowing, however, is not necessary.

Have a great day in the beautiful desert, and stay safe.

The Great Aunt Debby

dopf said...

Remind them that the only reason they aren't POGS is because their ASVAB scores were too low to be deck seaman. I say promote 'em... give them a needle gun and a bucket of haze grey and send them off to the nearest Humvee...

dopf said...

P.S. Next time you are reminded that you haven't put your life on the line, look them straight in the eye and say, "Oh yeah? Well you have never been through a PB4T." Of course, don't explain it... just walk away.

Rex said...

Prone too exaggeration? Did I ever tell the story about.......ok, you win. I agree with the Cajun, just too dumb to work the PTT button? and then make and issue of it? At this point, you gotta fiqure no reasoning with a moron. I guess you got to get out the crayons and draw a picture. Also, reminds me of Bill Murray's encounter with the dhala li Lamma, "at least I got that working for me".

Unknown said...

Don't let it bother you. Sounds to me like they're just a bunch of Muggles!

Mom said...

When I first started reading your comments, I thought, is this my son,a mellow, laid back person? But, as I read on, I realized that was not the case. So, the Grunts are being less than complimentary. What else can you expect?

Looking forward to your visit.


T.J. said...

Gotta agree with your dad ... you can't fix stupid.

Anonymous said...

I don't even like Bon Jovi.

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