The author of this blog assumes zero liability for the content contained on this website. The thoughts, discourse, or opinions do not necessarily represent the opinion of the author, his affiliates, or sponsors. To be clear this whole thing is a silly attempt at humor (with dashes of perceived truth).

Friday, June 8, 2007

Nice day for a run

The human body is an amazing thing. It say that b/c I am simply amazed at how acclimated I've become to the weather. This morning, as is my unusual disposition, I decided to get up early and go for a run. We live at a place that has a lake in the center of the compound and it makes for nice piece of real estate to run around. It was also nice not to have to worry about the MIDN running past you at the speed of light. Amazing at it may seem, most Marines aren't avid runners - yet they all run like the wind. They seem to focus all efforts on throwing steel up at a ridiculous pace. I threw on my IPod, turned on some of my eclectic tunes and I off I went. The Marine standard is three miles and most days I am lucky to get that far before I want to keel over and die. Obvious statement time: I don't run as fast as Colleen. For some reason today I took it up a few notches and did 5 miles. I was thoroughly exhausted - but at the same time it was a great way to start the day. I'm doing my best to get back to MIDN weight. As some might recall, I left for this endeavour a whole lot of heavy. I think I have hit my stride and should be significantly smaller than when I left. My goal is to weigh less than my meat head brothers. The gauntlet has been thrown ... Byron and Sean, what are you going to do about it? If history has anything to offer than I'd say - not a whole lot. Zing. For the casual observer, Byron, Sean and I are slightly competitive and for the record, they are a combined 0 - 1,000,000 in efforts to dethrone me (and that number continues to grow). To be fair, Byron is 1 for 1 against Sean and has since retired. I guess if we all played Tennis then they might have a shot.


Unknown said...

Colleen doesn't run that fast when you strap a double stroller to her hands.

Uncle K.C. said...

'ey Goeff.
Sounds like you're finding things to keep occupied. Just stay safe.
Can do golf balls on next pak, will make it interesting.
Veronica now back at UTC getting her masters. Casey going to Summer Camp next week. Heather is in Spain taking 'classses', and sampling the wine. No under age drinking there. No drinking where you're at. Seems fair.
New drink out - Cocain. Could not drink more than a sip. Bad name for a cinnamon based drink.
Good influence here - wine and cocain. Happy to help!

Unknown said...

Speaking of tennis, my two boys, you know, Roger and Rafael, are heading for a showdown on Sunday. Two plus hours of constant combat. No relief server, no designated lobber, no pinch volleyer. "A MANO A MANO" DUEL! I'm sure you get my drift. You're no foolio. These guys could be better than Marines. Next up, the grass courts of Wimbledon. OOO-RAH! mil

Rex said...

The "real sport" is placing a white ball down and wacking it along. No fastballs to hit, no balls to return, no running, and certainly, no catching. You can start at an early age and play well in to your twight years. Heck, you can even drink beer, tell jokes, and play with a cigar in your mouth. Now that's a sport!!!

Rex said...

What Middie weight are you talking about? It would have to be plebe year, because the rest of the years you where no "slim Jim". Ofer tells me he routinely kicked your butt.

dopf said...

Which hemisphere?

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