I must admit that the best part of this blog is the comments that are left in response to my inane thoughts. Most I understand - and some I don't. In no particular order I'd like to address some of the ones from yesterday:
Duane - You must be sniffing too much of little Kenny's bio hazard. What in the heck is your comment "Which hemisphere" referring to? Thanks SHIPMATE! And do you really want me to start on you about your athletic prowess ... I mean you were the original triple threat! Enough said. I'll start by commenting about your football abilities. Sorry pal - the Steelers made a wise decision not to draft you after your self proclaimed terrific 2/c year of flag football at USNA. I heard that Coach Cower came to personally scout you - however, after about the 4th time that Tony beat you deep - he packed it up and went to Ohio to scout Big Ben. If you look closely at the draft reports it did come down to you or Rothelisberger (I can't spell). Sorry to say, it looks that the Terrible Towel Franchise made the right call. At least you're a Naval hero now destined to be a CO. We are so lucky to know that you'll be out and about in the littoral for years to come.
What's your retort? I sat the bench on the baseball team? You'll have to do better than that. And to leave on a good note - yes, you can beat me with your eyes closed in all bar sports.
Uncle KC - I don't have nice things to say to you - I'm flat out jealous. I think the reason that I am now skinnier than Duane's fat ass is the lack of beer. It is just not fair. However, I am glad to learn that my cousins are all doing well. Spain and Grad School? How am I supposed to compete with that?
Meg - C'mon Tennis? Really? I mean even the CAVS vs SPURS NBA Championship Game One had higher television ratings! The Neilson Ratings for the game last night was at an all time low and still beat out the Women's Tennis final by several percentage points. Heck, Hippie Skippie the cartoon draws better on Saturday mornings. I will concede that the Men's Final will have better numbers - but that doesn't make me a sexist - nor does it make it right. Maybe the drama of Roger winning the missing link on his majors quest will help. I doubt it though.
Dad - You'd think that since you are responsible for my conception that I'd give you a pass. Don't count on it. First, I'd like to be clear that golf has merit, especially if you consider that you have to be in good financial shape to play the game on a routine basis. That notwithstanding, it still is hard to give absolute credit when you play a game that is arguably more fun when you drink beer and/or can play with a lighted cigar.
Next to address your comments about my weight - I wonder what side of the family that I get my frame from - Thanks for that one. Byron and Sean are gigantic and you I ... well? Additionally, I was never larger than 210 and that was after I had arthroscopic knee surgery. I mean it is hard to compare me now to a time after plebe summer where I was a whopping 165. Those times are long gone.
Izzy - Colleen is still faster pushing your kids around in a double stroller than I am with a jet pack strapped to my large arse.
Things are good - thanks for keeping up with my various rants. Until next time ...
What are you famous for? I think you have a future in writing for a NY rag covering the Yankees. That would be fun. I am sending you some "Birdies Balls". Check them out at "birdiesball.com".
Hey, I could use some help. Would everyone go to the link above and vote for Amanda. She is our cart girl. You can vote once a day. Geoff, get your 2/6 folks behind my effort to get Amada to win. Thanks.
Hmmm, Rex, I don't know. Is this Geoff's cart girl?
More my cart girl. Geoff's type of women is from Long Beach. Geoff wants to make sure his kid's have an opportunity to read and write. Please vote for Amanda. (PS if she wins I get a golf vacation)
What??? You went on a date with her too! Does Trissy read this blog?
Meg, Meg, Meg......
Okay, okay. I voted. Enjoy your golf get-away.
Such hostility... eat another bonbon... it will make you happy. I didn't know they made SDB pants in Spandex... and besides, it was fieldball, not football, and we kicked your ass...
I voted for the cart girl - hope she wins and Rex gets a golf vacation.
You'll be unimpressed to know that Federer choked again on the clay courts ... spaniard Nadal won again. BZ on the blog btw ... I guess all that practice writing message traffic paid off...
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