The author of this blog assumes zero liability for the content contained on this website. The thoughts, discourse, or opinions do not necessarily represent the opinion of the author, his affiliates, or sponsors. To be clear this whole thing is a silly attempt at humor (with dashes of perceived truth).

Saturday, June 16, 2007


As if I needed to confirm it - but I am ridiculous. I meant to go to bed hours ago - but here I am up "watching" the Padres vs. Cubs over the Internet. OK, I am not really watching. I am hitting the refresh button on my computer every thirty seconds. With Internet access in Iraq being so limited - all streaming media is administratively blocked. I was checking my email before I went down for the night and of course, I checked on my Padres. Low and behold they are/were playing a day game. Naturally, I had to check the score. I opened up my Internet browser to see CY and Zambrano engaged in the typical low scoring affair. No hits through four. Then I read that CY and D. Lee got into a brawl - my interest was peaked. After the dust settled and I frantically search to find out what happened I checked back to see Zambrano still had a no-hitter through 7. So could I go to bed ... of course not. Now I am hitting refresh like every 10 seconds. So now we fast forward to the 9th and good old Russel Branyan goes deep. Amen Friars. THoff comes in and saves his 19th of the year. I can now go to bed content.

This was truly the highlight of my day. If I could go on a limb - I'd say that it was a good old fashioned lazy Saturday. Now if only Colleen was here!

Sadly, I found out that all fantasy sport leagues - read football - are also blocked? Duane any ideas? I nominate Colleen to be my General Manager. Colleen, you up to the Cha-lange? We'll do it Sudoku style! Duane is going down!

1 comment:

dopf said...

We could still pull it off... we could run a draft over email. Whoever picks first could email the rest of the participants with the first pick... from there, the next person could make their pick, and reply to all via email. Afterwards, I could just put them in Yahoo or some other fantasy website for points tracking purposes. We could set a deadline the day prior for all player changes so you aren't at a disadvantage. We just need to determine how the league will be set up.

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