The author of this blog assumes zero liability for the content contained on this website. The thoughts, discourse, or opinions do not necessarily represent the opinion of the author, his affiliates, or sponsors. To be clear this whole thing is a silly attempt at humor (with dashes of perceived truth).

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Poor Word Choice

Come to think of it - I might have unintentionally led some of ya'll on about my return date. The fact remains that I don't have a solid return date ... just yet. The writing is on the wall; however, it is in Arabic. Trust me - I can't get out of here soon enough.

Padres won last night, and CY is going to pitch Thursday. I think that we'll sweep the Snakes. Exciting times.

I'll now turn to answering the mail:
Jack - Do yourself a favor, and end your quest to replicate the port-a-john expierence.
Duane - Keep drinking b/c your comments are hilarious.
Meg - Duane's taken it up two notches. Where have you been? You get no breaks.
Sean - Nice facebook pictures (ya'll should ask him).
Ben - Your Braves sticker didn't last very long. I put it up last night and found it torndown this morning. It was at one of the Fallujah train stations. Sorry about your luck. At least, AROD will be a Red Sox next year.


Unknown said...

Lo siento mucho, Teniente Bent. Please do not be dissapointed by my lack of blog participation. I was either napping, what with all the Padres talk or I was in stunned amazement that males of any and all ages find such hilarity in bathroom humor. I will try to do better, but I may be a little distracted. You know, my boys are playing again! VIVA ANDY, VIVA ROGER, VIVA RAFA!

Rex said...

Padres are working magic!!!!

Uncle K.C. said...

Dodgers will punish the fryers! Last year at this time I witnessed the falling of the Dodgers as they were swept at Petco. This shall not happen again!! If it does I will award 5 lbs of Memphis BBQ to The Padres fans of Money Hill.
Don't get too hungry!

One of my favorite places

One of my favorite places
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