I find myself masticating on the problem I created by promising to blog with increased frequency. I've tried all the tricks in the book to circumnavigate this issue - but it is just not working. The problem? I've got to keep this unclassified, and the majority of the stuff I'm involved in I can't discuss in this forum.
Rumors have intensified as to where I'll go next when 2/6 departs the pattern. It is hard to discern the truth, and I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't be up for a change of scenery. Annapolis is my choice destination -but what are the chances of that happening before the Navy gets every single day out of me? It is possible - see how positive I've become! My hat is off to those who do this for greater than seven months. The monotony in the face of eminent danger is the most dangerous weapon. The anti-coalition forces (read hooded idiots) can't hang with the danger that getting complacent has to offer.
My Fleet Marine Force Qualified Officer board was postponed for another month. I guess there are some people who are redeploying soon, and they have the priority. I don't like it, but I understand. If I had my druthers, I'd just get it over with.
Who knows what the comings and goings will bring in the upcoming weeks? Ramadan is looming, and historically, it hasn't been an enjoyable time. Supposedly, the weather is starting to cool off - but I haven't seen it. Dinner tonight was terrible - but that was the exception rather than the rule. Hats off to the folks at KBR who run the chow hall. Why cook yourself when you can just pay someone else to do it? It frees up the Supply Marines to play video games. Marines are no different than Sailors - they love to pass the time playing video games. Madden 2008 has made its way over here and is all the rage ... the controls are too complicated, if you ask me - yet another sign that I am getting old.
Hey Geoffery,
Those clean streets, ya'll had something to do with that. Indirectly, but progress would not be happening unless you were on your toes. Keep up the good work, we are always thinking of ya!
I am helping out the next wave of IA's. Ideas on how to make life more bearable while in training are welcome.
Be safe, come back, we miss ya.
Uncle K.C.
I sincerely hope that your destination will be Annapolis, sooner rather than later. However, if you find yourself on a detour, try to detour to a place where you can fulfill the true reason for deployment. Please, get real, I'm not talking about world peace. The true reason for deployment is to bring home FABULOUS and EXOTIC goods. In your case the goods are Persian rugs. Now the question is not "Can I afford Persian rugs?" Nooo, the question is "Can I afford to show up in Annapolis without Persian rugs?" I think maybe you better beg those Marines to send you directly home.
Sad, but true about Peavy. It would be amazing if there was at least one person in the Padres line up that would scare the opposing team. Consistency, though, would probably be even scarier. they'll score 9 runs in one inning and then none for the next game or two. It is pretty much a role of the dice to see what team is going to show up. I think the Pads can still pull out a playoff berth. the D-backs are beatable and we still play them 7 more times. it will be interesting to watch.
I agree about the video games. It hasn't been the same since the first Nintendo where you had 2 buttons and some direction arrows.
Geoff was cheated in his childhood because I would not let him have one of the darn things. It was not until, "I have a Tumor" did we allow the crap in the house.
Dad can't really complain about "one of those damn things", it was his idea to get one. It is so demanding being the youngest
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