The author of this blog assumes zero liability for the content contained on this website. The thoughts, discourse, or opinions do not necessarily represent the opinion of the author, his affiliates, or sponsors. To be clear this whole thing is a silly attempt at humor (with dashes of perceived truth).

Sunday, August 12, 2007

My Padres

I have been negligent in my duty of keeping everyone abreast of my Padres. Quite simply, it is tough to write about b/c they are stinking up the place. It is very frustrating. They are professionals who get paid to execute, and they aren't doing it. Yes, they have been hit by the injury bug; however, that isn't an excuse. Injuries happen to every team, and they just have to overcome them ... and hit the baseball! Jake Peavy pitches the finale against the Reds tomorrow, and assuming that he does his job, the Padres will have taken 2 of 3 from the ailing Reds. It would be a better way to finish up the less than impressive road trip. Coupled with the fact that the Snakes have won something like 18 of the last 22, it is going to be a long summer (Snake fans be careful about the recent success - they have been beating up on the likes of the Giants, Nationals, and Pirates). The upcoming home stand is crucial - they have got to play better. We still have 7 games left against the Snakes. You would have to figure that sooner or later they are going to have to cool down.

At any rate, tomorrow I head out into the city for the first time in weeks. I am curious to see with my own eyeballs the progress - I'm told that it is significant, especially in the area of trash and debris removal. 2/6's named operation continues to go real well. More on that in subsequent posts.

A little over four months left - but who's counting? So quit judging me!

Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't give a huge "thank you" to the Sinclair family for the wonderful care package that was on my desk upon my return. Very cool and very nice - thank you very much!


Unknown said...

Mom has a new HOTTT ride...she deserves it!

Unknown said...

Yes, I know how you feel when your team disappoints/frustrates you. I watched my boys, first Andy, then Rafa lose to Novak Djokovic at the Roger's Cup. Then on Sun. I watched even Roger lose to Djokovic while I simultaneouly watched Tiger and read Harry. What a page turner! Oh, by the way, did Colleen tell you I'm a Ravenclaw. That's right! Read it and weep. I've been sorted into The House of RAVENCLAW!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

One of my favorite places

One of my favorite places
A new appreciation for Plumbing