Come to think of it - I might have unintentionally led some of ya'll on about my return date. The fact remains that I don't have a solid return date ... just yet. The writing is on the wall; however, it is in Arabic. Trust me - I can't get out of here soon enough.
Padres won last night, and CY is going to pitch Thursday. I think that we'll sweep the Snakes. Exciting times.
I'll now turn to answering the mail:
Jack - Do yourself a favor, and end your quest to replicate the port-a-john expierence.
Duane - Keep drinking b/c your comments are hilarious.
Meg - Duane's taken it up two notches. Where have you been? You get no breaks.
Sean - Nice facebook pictures (ya'll should ask him).
Ben - Your Braves sticker didn't last very long. I put it up last night and found it torndown this morning. It was at one of the Fallujah train stations. Sorry about your luck. At least, AROD will be a Red Sox next year.
Lo siento mucho, Teniente Bent. Please do not be dissapointed by my lack of blog participation. I was either napping, what with all the Padres talk or I was in stunned amazement that males of any and all ages find such hilarity in bathroom humor. I will try to do better, but I may be a little distracted. You know, my boys are playing again! VIVA ANDY, VIVA ROGER, VIVA RAFA!
Padres are working magic!!!!
Dodgers will punish the fryers! Last year at this time I witnessed the falling of the Dodgers as they were swept at Petco. This shall not happen again!! If it does I will award 5 lbs of Memphis BBQ to The Padres fans of Money Hill.
Don't get too hungry!
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