It certainly comes as no surprise when I say it is amazing how fast time flies. Today started the latest influx of IA's to the region. The old salts are now gone, and the torch has passed to the group that I am part of. It is strange how hard I have to try to avoid the FNG syndrome to the new group. It just seems like yesterday I arrived in this country and looked at the men in my position with some wonderment. I remember telling myself not to ask the questions that I so desperately wanted to ask. I can see that same look in their eyes ... Ironically, they ask the questions, and strangely, I don't have an answer for them. Not much has changed in that regard. If this deployment has taught me one thing, it is that my opinion doesn't count, and I don't mean this in a negative sense. This tour has shown me that there is so much I don't know, so much above my pay grade, and so much information out there that is not at my disposal.
Through various forms of communication, I am often asked what I think about IA's, Iraq, the Marines, etc ... Foolishly, I've attempted to answer these questions. Only recently, have I changed to my current stance: I just don't know. I think that we are doing good things, progress has been made, I am learning a lot, etc ... I guess you just could sum it up as I believe in my leadership and trust their judgment. By saying such things, one could assume that I've earned my merit badge. I'd counter by saying that despite whatever personal opinions I might have - the fact remains that I owe the Sailors and Marine I work for and with my job to execute . The execution phase is the part of the operation that I can control. That will have to do for now.
Oddly enough, Fallujah made the national news last night. We had a suicide bomber go inside an Imam's office, and in the course of killing himself, he killed nine members of the Mosque - including the Imam and his son. Sad, very sad. I find it interesting that this is the news that the networks choose to show ... and somehow I'm sure that they'll spin it as a statement on the war. Are you kidding me? Disregarding progress in the name of some moron who goes inside an Iraqi mosque and does that? Nightmare.
Now back to the FNG's - the two questions that I did answer: Best part? The pay. Worst part? The toilets.
Bombing right after some positive news has been aired on Anbar. They watch the news and knew that bombing would allow our press to get back on their anti-war message. Back to: One ah-shit=hundreds of things
BTW. How about them TACOS!!!!
In my best John Edwards effort, I've been trying to channel Geoff's Iraq experience by visiting every "Johnny-on-the-Spot" along the Gulf Coast. I'm getting close ... the temps around here have hovered in the mid to high 90s. The tircky part is getting the humidity right. Any suggestions?
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