Inspired by Matt and Brandon, I now join the rest of society by participating in the online world of gossip, nonsense, ballyhoo and what-nots. Upon reflection, this is a good way to keep those who are interested informed about my daily happenings. The capacity for improvement of this site is overwhelming; however, I make this promise now that this won't be the place to find all the cool gizmo's and such. I guess as I figure out how to use this site and bandwidth permitting - I'll improve.
I'll start with a quick recap. I'm assuming that those reading already have a clue as to the generic template of my life to date. For those who don't - you probably won't find this too interesting. Basically, I am the Electronics Warfare Officer and Information Operations Officer for a Marine Infantry Battalion in Iraq. A Naval Surface Warfare Officer by trade - I'm just doing the best I can to help out my Battalion in our efforts to win the Global War on Terrorism. I work with a bunch of grunts to use technology to our war fighting advantage and work on an effects based template to promote our mission. Confused yet - I am - so don't feel lost. Needless to say, it is challenging work that I'm figuring out little by little on a daily basis.
I surmise that my overall attempt with this blog is provide some insight into some of the things that I am thinking about at the time that I write this little jaunt. I guess when all is said and done - what I'm looking for is a plane ticket home to be with ya'll - my family and friends.
Go Padres. Oh, and I might as well get it out in the open now - I don't have Duane here to proofread my writing - so I make no claims about my inability to properly use spell check or commas correctly. You can only expect so much from a kid who went to Louisiana public schools.
1 comment:
Myspace what.. facebook what.. You officially can never make fun of Colleen and me again!!! Love the blog.. Sounds like you are doing good. Can't wait for the wedding- Have your game face on b/c you are making a toast to T. a/b how really easy it is to make it to a wedding!!
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