Well folks, today was a first - somehow that shouldn't seem interesting. I spent about three hours today putting stickers on DVDs and then cutting out the center portion w/ a knife. It was about as stimulating as it gets. I can't really go into what the product was for; however, I think the product will ultimately prove useful. So in my best utilitarian manner I struggled through it. It is not that it was beneath me to do such a thing; however, the fact that I had to do it was irritating. We have an organization known as Combat Camera. They do all sorts of wonderful things and they are basically our Kinko's. I am sure that it is the part of the job that they like the least. Nevermind, the ENS in charge of the group is just flat out lazy. He made the executive decision to give us a half-assed product. Very nice of him to make more work for me. I guess that is why Marines always carry a knife? It is just so irritating - can't people just do their job? I'm not asking for much. I could go on for hours on how this dude just pisses me off. We all know characters like this.
In keeping w/ my tradition of informing everyone about the porta-johns - the JAG and I have come up with our latest scheme. We are tyring to convince supply to get a/c for the porta-johns. The plan needs refinement - but I think that it is plenty workable. Basically, we get a stand alone a/c and place it beside the units. Next we build some sort of cap (most likely out of plywood) for the top - where the cold air is pushed out. On the face of this face we attach a flexible coupling/pipe/house and then run it into the top of each head. I envision sort of a lawn sprinkler system like thing. Think about it - we are not talking about a huge space to cool. I mean if we could lower the temp from 130 to 100 degrees it would make huge progress. I don't think that I need to go any further in explaining the benefits ... heat + feces = repugnant smell. See the CMEO training has paid off - I am proud of my word choices. As you can see, the JAG and I are fairly excited over this prospect.
Well, I am off to one of those meetings that I referred to yesterday ... it should be enough to make me want to join the Army.
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