The author of this blog assumes zero liability for the content contained on this website. The thoughts, discourse, or opinions do not necessarily represent the opinion of the author, his affiliates, or sponsors. To be clear this whole thing is a silly attempt at humor (with dashes of perceived truth).

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blogspot isn't very easy to use when posting pictures ...

More pictures of the fans, floors, and doors ....


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

WOW! The house is looking great! Love the floors.

preying4apar said...

Like Mom said, the floors really look good. Are the fans on, or is the room spinning? Must be all that Urethane.

Rex said...

Super Job!!! Looking forward to the pics with your stuff.

Unknown said...

Looking good Bent's!! About time y'all made some progress to the money pit! Kidding! Can't wait to see it in person. We are just waiting on our invitation! LC

One of my favorite places

One of my favorite places
A new appreciation for Plumbing