My ENS has arrived and has been shadowing me for the past day and a half. I must admit that it is very strange to have someone following me around. I am so used to doing whatever I want, whenever I want. I find him to be very well intentioned and eager. He wants to be here, and I think that if I can pick up on that level of enthusiasm - he will succeed. The funny part is that there are just so many things that he doesn't know about. Today, we went to a reenlistment ceremony - and I had to explain everything about it. He just had no clue. Oh well.
In other news, I passed my FMF board. I found it to be very fair, and at the appropriate level of knowledge. One more check off on the good old to do list.
Huge series for the Friars this week against the Dodgers. I figure that once we win two out of three we will end their chances at the post season. It is beginning to look like we might have to settle for the wild card - read cringe. That would pit us against the Mets and have us starting on the road. Ironically, those two factors shape up quite well for the good guys. We shall see.
I'm curious to know where this new ENS came from ... USNA or some other school? Does he have an electronic or engineering background or will you be trying to educate and train a psych major?
Well the FNG could not have a better first boss. I bet Geoffry looks like a real old dude to the puppy.
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